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Jupiter in Orbiter

Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun. It is the largest of the planets. It has at least 63 natural satellites, most of which are available in the Outer Planets Add-on available on the Orbit Hangar website here.

See also: Wikipedia [1]

Go to Addons for Jupiter

Natural satellites

Jupiters natural satellites


Named Satellites: Adrastea | Aitne | Amalthea | Ananke | Aoede | Arche | Autonoe | Callirrhoe | Callisto | Carme | Carpo | Chaldene | Cyllene | Dia | Eirene | Elara | Erinome | Ersa | Euanthe | Eukelade | Eupheme | Euporie | Europa | Eurydome | Ganymede | Harpalyke | Hegemone | Helike | Hermippe | Herse | Himalia | Io | Iocaste | Isonoe | Kale | Kallichore | Kalyke | Kore | Leda | Lysithea | Megaclite | Metis | Mneme | Orthosie | Pandia | Pasiphae | Pasithee | Philophrosyne | Praxidike | Sinope | Sponde | Taygete | Thebe | Thelxinoe | Themisto | Thyone | Valetudo

Numbered Satellites: S/2003 J2 | S/2003 J4 | S/2003 J9 | S/2003 J10 | S/2003 J12 | S/2003 J16 | S/2003 J18 | S/2003 J19 | S/2003 J23 | S/2010 J 1 | S/2010 J 2 | S/2011 J 1 | S/2011 J 2 S/2016 J 1 | S/2017 J 1 | S/2017 J 2 | S/2017 J 3 | S/2017 J 5 | S/2017 J 6 | S/2017 J 7 | S/2017 J 8 | S/2017 J 9

edit The Solar System
Central star

Sun (Sol)


Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune

Natural satellites

Moon - Phobos - Deimos - Io - Europa - Ganymede - Titan - more...


Planets - Dwarf Planets - Small objects - Natural satellites - Alternative star systems

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