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A Planet is a large body that has enough mass to make itself round gravitionally, and is not a star, steller remnant, or a brown dwarf, and has achieved dominance within its orbiter region. Here, in Orbiter, a planet is an object in orbit around the Sun (or other star if another system is imported to Orbiter).

Planets in the Solar System include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Six of the planets have one or more moons, the exception are Mercury and Venus.

See also[edit]

Planet at Wikipedia


edit The Solar System
Central star

Sun (Sol)


Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune

Natural satellites

Moon - Phobos - Deimos - Io - Europa - Ganymede - Titan - more...


Planets - Dwarf Planets - Small objects - Natural satellites - Alternative star systems

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