
From OrbiterWiki
Revision as of 21:28, 22 December 2005 by RaMan (talk | contribs) (→‎Capitalisation: hmm... "real soon" isn't coming)
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Work in progress


These Guidelines describe various "rules" with regard to article content, formatting and organisation. Editors are very strongly advised to observe this - otherwise OrbiterWiki will become quite messy. If you think these Guidelines should be changed, please use the talk page of the corresponding section rather than just editing the Guidelines.



OrbiterWiki is currently entirely case sensitive. This means that even the first letter of the page matters! OrbiterWiki:Sandbox and OrbiterWiki:sandbox point at two different locations. Please make sure your links are correct. This will hopefully be changed to completely case-insensitive links, which should make things a lot easier.

Overall content

Anything related to the Orbiter simulator is appropriate; anything not related to it probably isn't.

Please remember that you are not on Wikipedia; think twice before you make something a link!


Please note that the guidelines on addons are still in the making; suggestions are welcome.

Addon page

Each addon has a page about it with the same title as the name of the addon. The addon page should be considered more or less "belonging" to the addon author - so the author should have the final word in decisions as long as they do not go against these guidelines. This doesn't include misspellings and "obvious" layout problems or inconsistencies. Screenshots are very desirable.


Addons are currently split by type into the following categories, which should be self-explanatory:

Each addon must be included into Category:Addons and the relevant category listed above. Other requirements depend on addon type.

Base addons

A base addon should be included into the [[Category:Addons for X]] where X is the name of the celestial body on which the base is located. If that category doesn't exist, it should be created and added to the [[Category:Addons by celestial body|CelBody]] where CelBody is the name of the celestial body (that will ensure correct sorting order).

Celestial body addons

A celestial body addon must be included into Category:Celestial bodies. It would be nice if you could also create the [[Category:Addons for X]] category (X being the name of your addon) and link the two to each other.

Vessel addons

The vessel addons may be further subdivided into any categories which seem sensible. The only request is that you please link that category to Category:Vessel addons by type.

MFD addons

There are currently no special requirements for MFD addons. The addon page would be a good place to put a tutorial or a manual on how to use your MFD.

Miscellaneous addons

There are currently no special requirements for miscellaneous addons. A good example of a miscellaneous addon is OrbiterSound.