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The Heim quantum theory field propulsion system (AKA: Heim-Dröscher propulsion system) is a award-winning proposal for a Faster-than-light field propulsion system. Unlike rocket engines, it needs only electrical power and no reaction mass. It is based on the theories of Burkhard Heim, a german physician, who developed it in isolation from the rest of the scientific world after of a bad lab accident.

Theoretical background

The heim quantum theory (HQT) models the universe in 12 or more dimensions. Its big strength compared to other quantum theories developed in the last century is the ability that its not neccessary to use all dimensions if not neccessary. The combined effects of two or more additional dimensions each correspond to a elemental force or virtual particle.

The theory predicts the existence of a virtual particle creating a relation between gravity and electromagnetism, the so called Graviphoton. Together with many other attracting or repulsive gravity effects it defines the gravity constant in a region of space.

Field propulsion

By placing a non-conducting rotating ring into a strong magnetic field, a strong graviphoton field should get created, reducing the local gravity constant and thus create a strong force on the rotating ring.

Faster than light

When the graviphoton field strength exceeds a threshold the spacecraft shifts into a parallel universe R2 (or R3, R4, etc) where the gravity constant and the speed of light is doubled (tripled, etc), thus allowing a much faster speed of travel - faster than the speed of light in our normal universe.

The interaction of these dimensions with our normal universe is similar to the observed behaviour of dark matter.

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