Building structures

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A Block is an object that can be used to create structures on bases. It is a cube or rectangular prism consisting of three dimensions, length, width, and height, and it can use any of the textures that are listed in the base.cfg file (Orbiter\Config\base.cfg), although some may not be appropriate for a block.

The description of a block is written into the config file of a base (Orbiter\Config\<Planet>\Base\<BaseConfig.cfg>).

So, let's build a block building. Open up a Base config file, here we will use the Bonneville.cfg file we created to build a sample base.

       POS -50 0 0 
       SCALE 10 1 1
       ROT 30
       TEX1 Fcd01 5 1
       TEX2 Fcd03 1 1
       TEX3 Roof01 1 1

BLOCK: This command on the first line dictates that this is a block shaped object. POS: The distance from the base's center point and elevation. X Y Z

    X: meters north (-) or south (+)
    Y: elevation from the ground in meters
    Z: meters east (+) or west (-)

SCALE: X Y Z Length, depth, height of the block in meters


The next line is the SCALE, which is how big in meters is the block, the first one is the width, or left to right dimension, the second is the height, and the third is the depth or length, front to back.

So, type in SCALE 10 1 1.

Next line is ROT, rotation from east in degrees, 45 would face the block northeast, 135 northwest, 225 wouthwest, and 315 southeast.

So, let's type in ROT 30.

The next line is TEX1 followed by a texture name and two numbers. This will place a texture on the front and back of the structure. Texture name is any texture listed in the Base.cfg file, but you may not want to select Runway2, for example. the first number is how many of this textures wide, and the last number is how many textures high.

So, let's type in TEX1 Fcd01 5 1.

Next line, TEX2 followed by a texture name and two numbers, but this is for the left and right face of the structure.

So, let's type in TEX2 Fcd03 1 1.

And the last line is TEX3 followed by a texture name and two numbers. This will place a texture on the top or roof of the structure, usually Roof01 or Roof02, again how many roof segments in width and length.

So, let's type in TEX3 Roof01 1 1.

Then the last thing is type in END on the last line. That tells Orbiter that this is the end of data for this block. The next line may begin a new object.

So, type in END.

Now, your block should be described as follows.


       POS -50 0 0 
       SCALE 10 1 1
       ROT 30
       TEX1 Fcd01 5 1
       TEX2 Fcd03 1 1
       TEX3 Roof01 1 1


Save your config file, launch orbiter, and your structure should look something like this.