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For Orbiter 2010[edit]

Project home: TransX 2018.04.05 MMExt2 for Orbiter 2010
Author: Duncan Sharpe, Steve Arch
Current version: 2018-04-04
Compatibility: Orbiter 2010

For Orbiter 2016[edit]

Project home: TransX 2018.05.06 MMExt2 for Orbiter 2016
Author: Duncan Sharpe, Steve Arch, Dimitris Gatsoulis
Current version: 2018-07-07
Compatibility: Orbiter 2016


TransX is a navigation MFD for Dr. Martin Schweiger's Orbiter, allowing the planned multistage trajectories for transfer orbits to other planets and slingshot trajectories.


The current version is TransX 3.13 released on March 29, 2008.

Features in TransX 3.11[edit]

  • Orbits now calculated based on the barycenter of planetary systems - no more Earth-Moon wobble!
  • Encounter view now takes into account rotation of the body when calculating landing site and offplane distance
  • Compatible with Orbiter 2007 (beta, no final release)
  • Added hyper to list of adjustment steps
  • Launch heading bug fixed
  • Various bug fixes

Features in TransX 3.12[edit]

Features in TransX 3.13[edit]

External Links[edit]