RCS attitude MFD

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Screenshot of RCS Attitude Main Page
Screenshot of RCS Attitude Basemode Page
Screenshot of RCS Attitude Configuration Page
Screenshot of RCS Attitude Docking Page

RCS Attitude MFD mode provides certain attitude controls with the Reaction Control Systems in addition to the Navigationi mode indicators and controls on the ship's instrument panel. In the Launchpad, in the Modules tab, Script MFD must be checked for this to work.

All pages in this MFD mode will show "RCS Attitude" at the top left of the display.

Active mode page[edit]


  • SET: Takes you to the Define attitude mode page where the desired attitude can be set.
  • DCK: Sets the MFD to allow the ship to orient to a dock with a transponder within range.
  • SUS: Temporarily suspend programmed orientation allowing manual orientation.
  • END: Turns off programmed orientation, Active mode returns to "none".
  • CFG: Takes you to a page where the programmed orientation can be modified.


  • Active mode: Shows which mode is active, if none, then no active mode.
  • Deviation, Dr: Deviation from target direction, how far the ship needs to go in pitch and yaw.
  • Deviation, Da: Deviation form target rotation, how far the ship needs to go in roll.

Define attitude mode page[edit]

This page allows to set which orientation is desired.


  • BAS: By selecting this button, Basemode will scroll through the modes; prograde, orbit normal, perpedicular in, radial down.
  • INV: By selecting this button, Basemode will change to the opposite of what it is set for; Prograde to retrograde, orbit normal to orbit antinormal, perpendicular in to perpendicular out, radial down to radial up.
  • CUR: Sets orientation to the current heading when selected.
  • +R: Adds a line for pitch/yaw/roll and value to modify the orientation.
  • -R: When this is selected, it will remove the last modification line.
  • +V: Adds one degree of modification each time you select this button.
  • -V: Subtracts one degree of modification each time you select this button.
  • AX: Axis, changes the selected modification pitch/yaw/roll.
  • UP: Changes the selected modification up so you can edit it.
  • DN: Changes the selected modification down so you can edit it.
  • GO: Once you have the orientation set and all modifications set, makes it take effect on the ship.
  • RTN: Returns the screen to the Active mode page.

So, this page allows to set the orientation of the ship you want, sets any offset in degrees from the set orientation by degrees in pitch/yaw/roll. This does not actually take effect until you select the GO button. The modification parameters are useful in altering the orientation slightly. For example, in the case of the STS Space Shuttle orbiter, the OMS Orbital Maneuvering System is offset from the center of mass by 15°, so, you would set your orientation, then set pitch to 15°, then all burns will take place at that attitude so the orbiter will burn the direction you want.


  • Basemode: Shows what attitude mode is selected, and any modifiers are selected (pitch/yaw/roll).

This table will describe the orientation of the ship (+z-axis and +y-axis) in each of the programmed attitude positions.

Vessel orientation
+z-axis (ship's nose)
+y-axis (your head in the DG)
nose facing prograde
head pointing to orbit normal
nose facing retrograde
(flying backward)
head pointing to orbit antinormal
Orbit normal
nose facing orbit normal
head pointing to prograde
Orbit antinormal
nose facing orbit antinormal
head pointing to prograde
Perpendicular in
nose 90° down from prograde
head pointing to prograde
Perpendicular out
nose 90° up from prograde
head pointing to retrograde
Radial Down
nose pointing to body center
head pointing to prograde
Radial up
nose pointing away from body center
head pointing to retrograde

Docking attitude page[edit]

This page allows the ship to automatically orient to the selected dock so you can concentrate on translate alignment. The dock must have a transponder and one of the NAV receivers must be tuned to that frequency. It works well for non-rotating stations, but, not so much for rotating stations such as Luna-OB1, it orients well except for the roll component.


  • NAV: Slave a NAV radio to this MFD.
  • ACT: Activates mode.
  • CNC: Cancels mode.
  • RTN: Returns to Active mode page.


  • Active mode: Indicates "dock sync" if it is active in DCK mode.
  • NAV: Upper right corner of the display, indicates which NAV receiver and frequency is selected, second line indicates which dock and what vessel.