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< OrbiterWiki:Capitalization
Revision as of 14:33, 29 August 2006 by BadWolf (talk | contribs) (no changes to rules, just tidying, see OrbiterWiki talk:Capitalization/Urwumpe)
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This section is only a draft for a common standard in Orbiterwikis capitalization rules.

The grammar for titles generally follows the English standard rules, as used by Wikipedia and the ISO, called sentence case. This means, the capitalization follows the same rules as in a normal English sentence. These rules apply to article titles, section headings as well as the articles themselves. A good overview of the rules can be found here.

Generally, it can be said that:

  • the first word of a title is usually capitalized
  • proper nouns are capitalized: Soyuz
  • the names of days, months and languages are capitalized: Monday, October, French
  • initial abbreviations and acronyms are written in all-caps, without full-stops: STS, ISS, MCC, not I.S.S.
  • adjectives are lower case, except they are derived from a proper noun: with Canadian beer.

Special cases

Addon names

Addon names are capitalized in the same way as the addon developers name their addon in the documentation. So its "napkin" and not "Napkin".

A "/" in the article title

The part following the "/" is considered a new sentence.