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Project home: OMP homepage
Author: Friedrich 'Face' Kastner-Masilko
Current version: Unknown
Compatibility: Unknown


OMP was announced on IRC as project to 'properly' execute a multiplayer environment in Orbiter. Presumably this meant it would take care of more of the conventional space-simulator multiple player caveats and be more of an end-user oriented product than the previous, mostly experimental multiplayer projects IRCMFD and Multiorb.

Using low-level TCP and UDP connections between machines, OMP may be considered a third-generation Orbiter multiplayer system, although it's understood that each machine is still responsible for its own physics.

Current status

Development is still going, and the 0.3 pack is about to be released. Although no public servers are currently known, users volunteer to host quite a bit. "Virtual space agencies", such as SimNasa, and Virtual Nasa, now use OMP for their missions.

See also

Multiplayer -- an overview of multiplayer addons for Orbiter



Project Hamac