Orbiter Forums

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Revision as of 04:17, 25 April 2008 by Ouch (talk | contribs) (Urwumpe, you are a wrong grammar what is Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines, it's Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines!!!)
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List of Orbiter Forums

Regarded semi-official as it took over the support forums for Orbiter.
Former official Orbiter forum
It was the second part of the M6 forum since February 2006 due to old M6 forum error server. But sometimes down commonly from March to April 2008. As of April 14, 2008, it is now closed but still active on the Internet and archive only.
Meadville Space Center
In 2000, it was established by Rob Conley. But in 2005, it was transferred to another Meadville Space Center due to server errors. But as of April 10, 2008, it is partially active due to server errors.
DanSteph's Orbiter Forum
Created in 2003 by Daniel "DanSteph" Polli. It is still active and there are two languages available, English and French. Center of the francophone orbiter community.
SethEden Forums
Created by SethEden. It is about Orbiter, Mars Direct, and Landsat.


New M6 Forum

In February 2006, the old M6 forum is now in error and either never or can return. After the old M6 down, it has new forum that currently used today.

M6 Down

On March 19, 2008, the whole website around the world was down and already dead that can cause installation of M6.net.

M6 Recovery

On April 10, 2008, it has been recovered by Test 080410.

New Official Forum

As of April 2008, the new official forum is Orbiter-Forum.

Blocking of Orbiter-Forum

On April 3, 2008, Orbiter-Forum was blocked in some parts of the Philippines. When the ban will be lifted is unknown. The government of the Philippines does not black-list any websites, but the Internet provider of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), cbcpnet.com, established it's own black-listing of any sites related to pornography, gambling and other things, which they consider unethical. It is very likely that the blockade of orbiter-forum.com is related to their activities and can be avoided by switching the provider or by using onion routing software.

This does not mean that orbiter-forum is unethical. It is just enough to share the same address in the Internet with an unethical website. Orbiter-forum does not run on a dedicated server.

Reporters sans frontieres on the situation in the Philippines

External Links