Developing modules in C++ (basic)

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This article explains a few basic concepts about planning add-on modules in C++. This article is not recommended for readers who have no experience yet in C++.

What this article is not about

It is not goal to describe the C++ language or the standard libraries of C++. It also is not about the OrbiterSDK. Goal is to explain more advanced topics about object-orientation and software architecture. It is no law, no set of rules that have to be followed at all costs. You need a blob class? It could be useful maybe.

But always remember: C++ does only do, what you tell C++ to do.

Classes and objects

The most important capability of C++ is called object-orientation. It simply means, that instead of having data (variables, constants) and instructions functionally separated, both concepts are joined into classes and objects of such classes. An object generally contains data and functions for manipulating this contained data. One other important is the ability to inherit traits from a superclass to a derived class and overload functions of this superclass with your own versions of the function. This ability is used in many different ways.

Interface classes

An interface class is essentially a class, that only defines the signatures of its functions. It does not implement these functions. Since any class in C++ can inherit from multiple superclasses, it can also implement multiple interfaces at once. And not only that, you can also join multiple interfaces in one more specialized interface.

Such an interface gets very useful, when you want to use classes in your functions, without having to support the whole hierarchy of classes for one feature. Instead, you just declare that you only want a class that implements such an interface to work with.

For example, you could define an interface for all subsystem classes, that can save their state in the scenario file.

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