List of Acronyms and Abbreviations/ISS
Revision as of 22:41, 27 October 2007 by (talk)
- A/L - Airlock
- AA - accelerometer assembly
- AAEF - aquatic animal experiment facility
- ACCU - audio central control unit
- ACE - atmosphere and consumable engineer
- ACFIT - assembly critical failures implementation team
- ACO - activation(assembly) & checkout officer
- ACS - attitude control subsystem
- ACT - actuator
- ACU - arm computer unit
- ACU - RS audio control unit
- ADA - analog to digital to analog
- AEU - animal equivalent unit
- AFR - anchor foot restraint
- ATU - audio terminal unit
- ATV - autonomous transfer vehicle
- BCA - battery charger assembly
- BCDU - battery charge/discharge unit
- BEE - basic end effector
- BIA - buss interface adapter
- BIT - build in test
- BITE - BIT equipment
- DLR - german aerospace agency
- ECU - electronics control unit
- EECOM - environmental engineer and consumables manager
- EEL - emergency egress light
- EOL - end of life
- ERA - european robotics arm
- ESA - european space agency
- ESA - external sampling adapter
- ETE - end to end (test)
- EVA - extravehicular activity
- EVR - extravehicular robotics
- RS - russian side